Thanksgiving Traditions

Image licensed by author.

What one tradition on Thanksgiving do
you favor with fervor, craft with care?
Cooking? Eating? Time with those you
favor with fervor, laugh with flair?

What one person on Thanksgiving do
you savor their spirit, sincerely love?
Who favors you with fervor through
the decades, their deeds, so proud of

you, your passion to learn and grow.

May Thanksgiving traditions feed your soul
with hearty servings of laughter and hugs.
Flavor the day with stories that stole
your heart with glee, your mind with tugs

of life lessons learned then and now.
What post feast and after the chores
routines do you dutifully plough?
Naps? Games? Walks? Off to the stores?

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

Explore more . . . here . . .

