Spot on Daniel! This post reminds me of my “Avenue A” and “Avenue B” philosophy society bends to. “Avenue A” = that which raises attention.
Example? How do news stations cover Pride events? What do we see in the background during the 10 seconds of voice-over commentary?
- Nearly naked dancing go-go-boys? Check.
- Radically dressed souls with enough piercings to start a hardware store? Check.
- Dykes on bikes. Check.
Do we see PLFAG parents holding hands with their children? (Haven’t seen that one yet.)
Do we see close-ups of professionals (police, fire-fighters, etc.) laughing and having a good time? Sometimes.
Do we see politicians currently up for election glad-handing? Of course.
Do we see same-sex parents in typical clothes marching with their kids? Sometimes — but only in ‘liberal’ TV markets.
Other tribal “Avenue A” attention getters = White parties; Black parties; drag shows, clubs, drugs, open relationships, etc.
Next — we have “Avenue B”. Simply put — this avenue features scores of Daniels, Danielle's — souls living simply with an eye toward family, fairness and faith.
Mahao nui loa (Hawai’ian for thank you very much) for reminding us (with this post) that there’s far more folks living on Avenue B. Folks who Mayor Pete seems to lumped in with. Lumps vote matters.