Similar to the Scandinavia tradition lately popularized known as death cleaning - I invite my near and dear elders to consider a similar journey with all things electronic.
Consolidate accounts where ever possible. For estates of more than 50K - consider establishing a Trust. Trust to be administered by a reputable law firm.
Close all credit cards. Write all credit reporting agencies to request tightened security procedures (e.g. PIN code required for all inquires).
Open one checking account at a bank you've never used before.
- Keep only enough funds in that account for debit-card purchases.
- Keep minimal funds in it.
- Reject any over-draft protection services.
- Keep minimal funds in that account.
Most people don't know banks have policies that allow them to access funds from any family of accounts you're part of. For example, if you're have signatory privileges on Mom's checking account, and you have a personal checking account at the same bank - if Mom's account is hacked / overdrafts may come out of your personal account.
Close social media sites they rarely (if ever) engage.
When you get an automated email for a newsletter, subscription, etc. - unsubscribe.
Close your email account when it feels right.
Close all online e-merchant relationships.
Strive to have zero online, active accounts before engaging hospice care.