Over the past 15 years the journey I've taken with over 300K regarding waking-up to a more robust sense of worth - I wondered when employers - em-masse - would face this 'day.'
Fact 1: there's no appropriate rate of financial compensation to offset the use of a finite resource: time.
Fact 2: when folks do what they love doing, wages - in the form of feelings (accomplishment, joy, fulfillment, etc.) offset whatever minuscule paycheck they receive. Ask any teacher who simple LOVES teaching; any soul who loves being of service (medical, social, military) who is following their calling (versus doing a j.o.b.) - and you'll learn how they 'work' for 'employers' who supports thriving (versus surviving).
As more folks wake-up to the old cliché 'You get what you pay for.' they'll realize they'd better be willing to pony-up or - please dear one - shut up!