One of the more fascinating aspects of digesting comments is? Did the reader get the gist of the content? Or did they get triggered (then hung up) on [sic] pedantics?
When my attempt to share a bit of wit and/or wisdom is dismissed due to style (formatting), grammar (a derivative of style) or taste (based on cultural or social norms) - no worries. I'm grateful for your dismissal. Why? I'm happy with whatever judgment you make to appease your internal judge. Those who screen me out - thank you. Just do me a favor? Embrace the grace in these timeless words: If you have nothing nice to say, keep quiet.
I've read / watched / listened to content that English teachers would fail with glee. When I explore content I ask, "What's the creator's intention?" Similar to a mystery being resolved, I always learn something while deducing intent. If the content fails to convey the intent - then - and only then the editor's red pen applies.
My point?
If you get hung-up on the fact I use they / them when you're more comfortable with gender specific words - good to know. Best to click to the next article and enjoy your day without taking time to blather on about your issue.