One of the inch-by-inch ways I invite change is to introduce the notion of the un-natural nature of greed.
I venture into this exploration by asking, "Can you think of an example - just one example - where you believe nature is greedy." To date, I've yet to hear a plausible example.
My intention? To slowly, person by person, turn the tide on how we see greed. At the moment - greed is a prize. Greed is good.
I sense we're on the cusp of shifting social-cultural norms from worshiping from the alter of greed to norming negative perceptions of greed. Example? Back in the 1960's you could light-up a smoke - anywhere, anytime. No one cared. Today, at least in the USA - smoking is now seen for what it is - a health hazard. Smoking isn't as 'cool' as it once once.
Time to feed the notion that greed isn't cool.
Turn the tide of making a profit as the gold standard to profit in making happy, healthy lives.
Live simply so that others man simply live.