My first internship on my path to earning a MSW (masters in social work) was learning the ropes of being a 'case manager' for souls living HIV+ and AIDS status.
In my first month I attended over 45 funerals.
In my second month I was tasked with developing a program for 'bug chasers.' I decided to match 'chasers' with existing clients in need of a "Buddy." I told chasers who decided to opt-in on their own accord that participation in the "Chasers" program allowed them to make more informed decisions on purposefully choosing to gain a positive status.
Over the next six months I marveled at the intense learning experienced all they way around. To say I participated in a 'learn unconditional love boot-camp' would be 100% accurate.
While "Chasers" actively assisted (Buddied) with clients facing less then six months (yes - these were the early-days of HIV / AIDS awareness) they quickly learned what they were willinging choosing to face.
Those who decided to go ahead and willingly, consciously, progressively pursue a positive status did so knowing there was some sort of safety net (the non-profit I interned with). Those who decided to embrace being sexual while also embracing good health - blossomed into lives many strive to experience.
Paul - your journey mirrored so much of what I recall. Your blessings - a medical miracle - a fact!
Bowing in gratitude for sharing your wisdom.