Mahalo (thank you)! As time bears fruit more will awaken to the facts and fictions born from social media statistical soil.
Before retiring from Facebook - through little (actually almost no) effort I garnered over 500K followers in just under four years. Followers inspired more followers. Similar to an avalanche - as my follower number increased the more followers appeared.
When I achieved over 250K followers I started to get direct messages for potential sponsorships. To receive financial compensation based on the perceived hopes that I somehow would magically attract sponsor ROI made me aware of FB's underlying business model. That moment of clarity inspired me to leave FB - quickly.
The day I posted my intention to leave FB I wondered - will anyone of those 500K+ care?
The answer?
Nope. Not one response to my 'bye-bye' post. Ironically I continued to witness my follower numbers rise by 100's each the the ten-days I counted-down to my departure. Go figure - right?
The old cliché numbers don't lie has validity. Said validity dissolves with the art of statistical analysis. Savvy statisticians know how to take the same data-set to simultaneously support as well as shatter even the best hypothesis.
My point? Numbers mean less as awareness awakens ;)