For far too long (centuries?) parents have foisted onto teachers far too much concerning child development. As more zealots discover power to enforce THEIR way onto curriculums we witness a teeter-totter between what constitutes actual:
- academia (teaching those who wish to be taught) how to read, write, mathematics, sciences, art and
- political / faith-based indoctrination.
Those called to teaching, genuine teachers know they'll never, ever be properly monetarily rewarded for their craft. Their rewards fulfill them in ways far more enriching to society than bulging bank accounts. When one of my students happens to send a text / email out of the clear blue attesting to the positive influence one of my classes ignited in them - absolutely priceless.
At the same time, I draw a hard line concerning abuse in any form, from any front. Abuse time (show up late, show up poorly prepared) - nope. You're done. Disrespect? Nope, you're done. Physical abuse? Nope - arrested / parents held liable.
For too long teachers have navigated their love to teach with exponentially expanding unrealistic demands.
You wish to learn? Prove it. Attending class should be a privilege earned by deeds. Teachers? When we laud teachers the same awe society lauds upon a pair of prized sneakers? A game changer!