Member-only story
You’re In Multiple Pyramid Schemes — Right Now!
The fact that you’re a network marketer (in a variety of pyramid schemes) is true. Doubt this statement? No worries. Most do. When you share doubts with others that you’re not really a network marketer (or in any scheme) you perform an act of network marketing! (Sharing opinions is a network marketing tool LOL.)
Confused? Good! Let’s dive into a topic most people just roll their eyes when they hear or see the words network marketing.
What’s your gut level, instant reaction when you hear or see the words network marketing?
What’s your first thought or feeling that instantly comes to you? Is that thought or feeling primarily positive or negative? Do you base this primary feeling about network marketing on facts (first-hand experiences)? Or, is the way you think or feel about network marketing based on fiction (hearsay or lack of first hand experience).