Capitalism — and the making of obscene financial wealth for a select few — thrives on divide and conquer.
Hey! Look at MY service, doo-dad, gizmo, snack, blah blah blah. It's SO much BETTER than blah, blah, blah! Mine's cheaper! Better! More advanced! Blah, blah, blah.
Then, we mix in age-old maxims: 1) Competition is good. 2) Monopolies bad.
We need to break-up [insert big company name that you despise the most] cause it owns too much of the market-share; stifles innovation.
The icing on top of the divide and conquer cake is?
Yup! We've done it this way for [insert some time frame that supports the tradition in question]. And we'll DO it this way to HONOR [said tradition].
Anthony - may your post fertilize the imperative it's well past time we dissolve divisions, one small step at a time.
Starting with? Pick something that easily done. Example? Stop buying water in disposable plastic bottles. Willing embrace the effort to use refillable bottles. Buy or start a service using reusable, refillable five-gallon water bottles. Refill your portable water bottle.
Or? Maybe - a BIG maybe! Begin the process to eventually result in affordable, healthy drinking water right from the tap. (I know. I know! I'm a dreamer! LOL)