Balance. Odd thing about balance. When imbalance begins, a binary ping pong game begins. One player seeks to restore balance. One player loves to exponentially increase imbalance. Extreme imbalance results in two common results. Implosion or explosion. Post bang or bust the road to gain and maintain balance begins. Nature offers us a prime example each time a natural disaster occurs. Over time nature restores itself to a symbiotic level of balance.
US politics — has it ever achieved a genuine symbiotic level of balance? At what point in time in the history of this Republic has this Nation ever been in balance such that it works to enrich life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all citizens — equally.
As we come to a more focused realization of the results of unchecked consumerism fostered by old-school materialistic ideals we’re rediscovering the art of gaining and maintaining balance — as best we can.
Mayor Pete’s life taps into of the power of working together in a symbiotic (versus parasitic) nature. Those who only know life of vast financial wealth (thus the power society ascribes to it) fears a collective awakening to balance. Accordingly we see those who fear loss of a way of life (a lifestyle anointed historically superior by way of money — thus power) creating as much chaos as possible to maintain an ever-growing imbalance. Buttiggieg’s election threatens centuries of privilege — the source of our current imbalanced state.
If history is our teacher, what kind of students are we!?