As always Michael . . . Brilliant!
So true is the dance between how and when.
I remember receiving my Master degree diploma in the mail — three months after my FIRST student loan payment. How a social worker starting in a 36K job was going to pay off $85K in SL debt was a mystery. (I financed tuition, books, rent, all of it to keep focused and DONE in two years.)
Four years later I remember almost being arrested at the Post Office. I wanted to take a picture as I handed the PO Clerk my express mail envelope containing my LAST damn SL payment. When I explained why I wanted that pic — they chilled and smiled while posing for a selfie.
How would I do things differently today? Forget college. I learned far more life-affirming skills while walking paths to become both a monk (Eastern tradition) and shaman (North American Nation).
Being of service teaches me daily.
In gratitude I bow to you Michael once again for sharing your wit and wisdom!