And gentlemen? Are you ready to own your side of the equation? If this report is holds true - good! Keep it up!
results showed a significant increase in median (IQR) vasectomy procedural volume following the 2022 Dobbs decision, increasing from 104 (24) vasectomies per month to 218 (35) vasectomies per month. . .
Permanent contraception for premenopausal women typically involves abdominal surgery to ligate or occlude the fallopian tubes. While overall safe, this is still a procedure with inherent risks such as pain, transfusion risk, infection, damage to abdominal strictures and risks of general anesthesia [7].
In contrast, permanent contraception for men via vasectomy involves a straightforward minimally invasive procedure in the scrotum [8]. Despite the fact that vasectomy is less invasive and safer, tubal ligation has historically accounted for the majority of surgeries performed for permanent contraception in the United States