Aloha Rafael,
First - Mahalo (thank you) for the follow. Mosts kind. I'm curious what inspired you to add me to your robust list. (What caught your eye?) ;)
Next? Spot on - on so many points in this post.
I've always wondered how movies shape our collective consciousness. I'm also aware of the glacial pace taken to shift cultural norms. While some beliefs may seem to change over-night - said change took decades in the making.
Add to the mix of consciousness shifting is a fine balance between a desire for calm while navigating chaos.
The more chaotic life seems, the less time we perceive we have. One way to simplify life is to make snap judgments. As your post points out, movie watchers rarely take the time to wonder about a villains back-story let alone allocate brain CPU time to swim in an ocean of gray trimmed by shores of black and white / right and wrong.
Bowing in gratitude to you for both your follow as well as your passion to share a healthy balance of wit and wisdom.