Aloha Dr. Dauphin,
Your title: It’s All in the Question caught my attention given my training and journey to date. Some of my most life-changing pivots occurred when a savvy soul (often a seasoned teacher) sliced through my ego's illusions with a well timed question. Those questions fuels a desire to explore more, analyze less.
To dedicate life to be of service is equally daunting and rewarding - true?
Based on Aristotle's familiar words: "The more you know, the more you know you don't know." I find being of service - at times - daunting. The more I serve the more I become aware of infinite needs facing finite supplies. Daunting dissolves knowing I do my best with what I have.
Rewards blossom each time being of service enriches the lives of all involved - true?
Bowing in gratitude for -
- tapping into your wit and wisdom (reading your posts)
- your follow (I'm humbled!)
May you and Christine enjoy a hearty banquet of laughter and love . . .