ahhhh Anthony, your author journey reminds me of my first adventure down the writing road.
Before writing book 1 I held the notion that there's really nothing new to write about (concerning the material I had in mind). Topics concerning our spiritual awakening process - well covered, thousands of times over. Why would I bother writing yet - another - book covering tried and true lessons.
Then one day a published author pulled the rug from under my notion! Talk about being gob-smacked! LOL
How did this established author kick-start my writing journey? He asked me two simple questions. The questions?
1: "Have you ever told someone something, for years on end, and while they hear what you have to say, they often ignore what's offered?"
I answered - YES - to the first question.
Next question?
"Has that same person who you've told them something - ever told you, 'Hey! I just heard (often famous) So N So say such N such. And WOW! Amazing! And what this new found So N So told your friend was - word for word - exactly what you've told them many times before?"
I begrudgingly nodded - YES!
Queue sound of rug being pulled from under you . . .
My newly minted friend / published author then said: "Well - your notion is true. There's very little about spiritual awakening that hasn't already been written. Do some proper research and you'll find your notion to be accurate. BUT! Here's where your notion will shatter like ice in hot water. What ever YOU write - is written by - YOU! YOU have a unique energy. What you write / publish has your unique energy. YOUR energy may just be the energy needed for someone to HEAR AND EMBRACE words they've read / heard thousands of times before. So - get writing!"
To say the Universe smacked me with a cosmic bat is an understatement.
Within 90 days of that ah-ha - my first manuscript - done. Within six months - book published. Within the first decade over 350K copies - sold.
Go figure! LOL