Ah! Yes. Barn-raising in the 21st century.
Wonderful that Shawn may officially state he’s a: Best Selling Author.
Given the rise of best selling authors via digital express lanes, the value of best selling author will constantly change.
When folks become a best-selling author - for that particular category for that particular moment in time (minutes, hours, days?) - true - you're a best selling author.
I enjoyed said title in 2006 with my first book because my publicist managed to orchestrate an internet clap. A Clap - an organized campaign to get thousands of people to buy a book at the same time on the same day. Doing so - skewed the stats enough that - yes - a title becomes the best seller for that category for that day.
So- the day has arrived that internet influencers may spike sales for an author for how long?
When 1000's of influencers pitch 100,000's of whatever's - at what point will said influencer diminish their influence.